Copyright Loud Speaker 2024
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We think what we do is great but we’re biased… So don’t take our word for it, here are some of the incredible projects we’ve run recently, and what those who booked us had to say about them…

Newcastle College Group

Enhancing College Inductions: Boosting Confidence and Employability

The task was to instil skills around confidence, personal storytelling and employability to help boost participation levels and retention. Our workshops went out to all students across the College Group as part of their induction.

Deliveries Across Diverse Campuses

Sites Delivered: Newcastle College, Newcastle Sixth Form College, Kidderminster College, West Lancashire College, Carlisle College, Lewisham College, Southwark College

Over 11,000 young people nationwide

Nearly 100 workshops

“To be honest with you, this last couple of days has been one of the best things that I have seen go on in a College in my 20+ years of working in FE. Put yourself out there, do something different, challenge the norm and definitely get the Loud Speaker guys in to work with your students, because it does have a massively positive impact.”

Cat Lewis, Principal (Kidderminster College)


Empowering Youth: Our Start with Public Speaking on NCS

Where it all began for us… Delivering public speaking and confidence-building skills to young people on the Government’s National Citizen Service programme.

Empowering Youth through Nationwide NCS Workshops.

In 2023 alone, we worked with over 15,000 young people on NCS programmes nationwide across over 200 workshops.

Over 15,000 young people nationwide

Nearly 200 workshops

“Loud Speaker just know how to engage and communicate with the young people at their level. The engagement and participation from every single student with the program blew me away.”

Andy Barnett, Head of UK Sales & Partnerships (Inspiring Learning – NCS Delivery Partner)

Gower College Swansea

Mastering Resilience: ‘The Game of Life’ Workshop Unleashes Personal Storytelling Mastery

We delivered our ‘The Game of Life’ workshop, focusing on building learner’s resilience and giving them the ultimate masterclass in personal storytelling.

Workshops Touching a Thousand Lives in Just Five Days.

Delivering workshops across five days, impacting over a thousand young individuals.

Over 1,000 young people

10 workshops

“They connected with the audience in a truly inspiring manner and I saw some incredibly humbling moments post-workshop which blew my mind in terms of learner connection with the presenters. You know the sessions have gone well when there is a queue of patient learners wanting to thank the presenter for the session – and this happened on every occasion!”

Marcus Westmoreland, Head of Learner Experience

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