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Social Media Safeguarding Policy


At Loud Speaker, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all young people. We believe that social media can be a valuable tool for engaging and connecting with our audience, but we also recognise the potential risks and challenges it can present. This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding on social media platforms and aims to protect the welfare of our participants, staff, and volunteers.


This policy applies to all Loud Speaker staff, volunteers, and anyone else acting on behalf of our organisation. It covers the use of social media platforms, including but not limited to Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.


The objectives of this policy are to:

  1. Protect the privacy and safety of our participants, staff, and volunteers on social media.
  2. Ensure that our online presence reflects our values and commitment to safeguarding.
  3. Provide clear guidelines for appropriate conduct and communication on social media platforms.
  4. Minimise risks associated with using social media for our activities, such as competitions and direct messaging.


4.1 Official Social Media Accounts

  1. All official Loud Speaker social media accounts must be managed by designated staff members or volunteers.
  2. Account login information should be shared only with authorised individuals and stored securely.
  3. All content posted on official accounts must adhere to our organisation’s values and be in line with our mission and goals.
  4. The privacy settings of each social media platform should be reviewed and adjusted to ensure that the appropriate level of protection is in place for our audience.

4.2 Communication and Conduct

  1. Staff and volunteers must always communicate professionally and respectfully with participants and followers.
  2. Personal information about participants, staff, or volunteers should never be shared on social media without explicit consent.
  3. Staff and volunteers must refrain from engaging in private or direct messaging with participants under the age of 18 without prior parental/guardian consent or a clear, work-related purpose.
  4. Any inappropriate or concerning communications received via social media should be reported to a designated safeguarding officer immediately.

4.3 Online Competitions and Direct Messaging

  1. All online competitions must be planned and approved by a designated member of the Loud Speaker team.
  2. Clear guidelines must be provided for participation, including age restrictions and any necessary parental/guardian consent.
  3. When using direct messaging for competitions, staff and volunteers must ensure transparency by keeping conversations related to the competition and refraining from sharing personal information or engaging in private conversations with participants.
  4. Any concerns or incidents that arise during online competitions should be reported to a designated safeguarding officer immediately.

Reporting and Responding to Concerns

  1. All concerns related to the use of social media and potential safeguarding risks must be reported to a designated safeguarding officer.
  2. The safeguarding officer will assess the concern and determine the appropriate course of action, which may include reporting the incident to relevant authorities or support agencies.
  3. Loud Speaker will maintain a record of all safeguarding concerns and incidents related to social media, along with the actions taken in response.

Training and Review

  1. All Loud Speaker staff and volunteers must undergo regular safeguarding training, which includes guidance on the appropriate use of social media.
  2. This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its continued effectiveness and relevance in safeguarding our participants, staff, and volunteers on social media platforms.

By implementing this social media safeguarding policy, Loud Speaker aims to create a safer online environment for all members of our community and to continue empowering young people through our various workshops.

Calvin Akotuah

Brand Director 

Loud Speaker